Sunday, August 14, 2016

August 14, 2016.  

The deed has been done.  Our President has apparently signed a contract to have the exterior of Units 113 and 213 painted.  Aided and abetted by our Professional Manager, she has proclaimed - apparently -  she has made no public accounting of her actions - that those units had to be painted without Board approval because it was an emergency! And painters started on D building yesterday, front, back and side, a job that will likely cost over $5,000.

Never mind that the issues involved with 113 extend back to 2014 when $5,200 was spent on an emergency basis on a system designed to carry away water from the slabs of 104 and 113.  How did that work out?

To define this situation as an emergency is really stretching credulity..  How 213 was included in this is even more remarkable.  Two thirteen has had absolutely no water issues from cracks, caulking or otherwise.  I can say that because the owner of 213 agrees and has suggested that there is an alternative reason for the difficulty with the water intrusion in 113.  I can say that because I checked 213 regularly for any sign of water intrusion and there was none;  the aroma in that unit is sweet without a hint of mustiness associated with water intrusion, mold or mildew.

So where do we go now?  Are there any more "emergencies" that are on the horizon for more paint jobs?  Are we finally going to have an accounting of the actions taken in the last couple of weeks about this water intrusion issue?   Will there be a Board Meeting so that the rest of the Board and the owners can express their views?

Mind you - there has never been a full discussion of the need for painting 113 or even for painting of  all the buildings. This problem was first mentioned in the Manager's report in the Board Meeting of  July 19, when Kimberly mentioned that requests for proposals were being taken for the building paint job.  Janet, in her President's Report, mentioned the need of a possible assessment for multiple building repairs.  There was no mention of a contract or even a need for painting of 113/213.

As Janet's memorandum says, which is quoted in the most recent Blog post, the experts she has called in to assist with identifying the problem do not agree on exactly what is happening.  And we have owners here in the Circle, with construction experience that strongly disagree with an attempt to paint our buildings because of a very questionable decision that water intrusion in our units is caused by cracks and chips.

Whether you agree that painting the buildings is a "necessity" as Janet believes, or not, you have to be  concerned about the way this whole thing went down.  A President using their power to act in this manner without even the benefit of  a serious public discussion, is behavior that should not be sanctioned.

This is a very contentious issue.  Our President should be seeking the advice and consent of the Board and the owners and not taking action, much less questionable emergency action, on this problem.  Our President should be giving this problem some very careful thought.  CYA should be on her mind!

Just my opinion!

Andy Johnson

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