Friday, January 13, 2017

January 12, 2017

This posting is to give notice that I will be withdrawing my candidacy for a position on the Board of Directors at the upcoming annual meeting.  I will no longer be involved in the political process of Aspen Circle.

The reason for that decision is health.  As some in the Circle are aware, I have been having issues with my balance for some time and I can no longer ignore it.   My neurologist has indicated that it is likely that I have Adult Onset Ataxia, a catchall diagnosis that includes neurological conditions of many types that are degenerative and progressive.  For the curious, Google my diagnosis for anything you wish to know.  It's fortunate that here in Tampa Bay we have a Ataxia Research Center at  USF and they will be handling my case.

Obviously, with my problem, living on the second floor is not the best situation for me.  Therefore, I will be devoting my time and energy to: 1) finding a living situation that is more appropriate and  2) making my unit more salable.

As many know, I have a reverse mortgage which means that the title will be turned over to to the mortgage company when I depart.  In order to avoid the problems involved with a situation like we had with 212 - Tim's place,  I will be working to put my unit is a more marketable condition.  This will avoid the forfeiture process and probate.  With the title turned over to the mortgage company, they should assume maintenance fees and be able to sell the unit ASAP.

Finally, I must express my sincere thanks for the love and comfort offered me by some of the residents of the Circle during the very recent low point in my life.    We truly have some wonderful people in the Circle and, for their support, I am very grateful!

Over and out!

Andy Johnson

Thursday, January 5, 2017

January 5, 2017

I feel the need for more detail regarding the events that took place on Tuesday and the Blog that was posted that day.

As I stated in that post, I am a gay male.  Have been my whole life.  I've been in a relationship with a guy named Jeff for a few years now.  We have met frequently during that time. I travel to him - he has never been to my unit.   And as consenting adults, behind closed doors, we enjoy our time together.  I don't think that is wrong.

I suppose a legitimate question is why haven't I come out before.  It is my nature to be private with my life and I don't flaunt my sexual orientation.  Some in the Circle probably were suspicious but they never asked me about it.  I suppose they were too polite or whatever.  If asked, I would have been truthful.  I am not ashamed of what I am.

The picture!  I brought a camera with me once when Jeff and I got together.  We were fooling around with it and took some pictures including the one that appeared on my Blog.  I have been told that the picture was pornographic.  Yes, that was me laying butt naked  on my stomach.  I personally didn't think much of it and after I developed it on my computer, it wasn't long before it was deleted - from my computer.  I suppose it could be thought of as pornographic but  pornography is in the eye of the beholder and that certainly didn't apply, as I saw it.

I was told that I should have been more careful.  And that certainly is the truth.  What I underestimated was the encroachment into our private lives that happens when we utilize the computer and surf the internet with Google or any of the other tech companies, including Yahoo and Microsoft.  I must have unwittingly given Google Drive the authority to get into my private files including pictures and other data.  Google built a profile for me which featured that picture.

After being told that my profile contained a pornographic picture I was stunned.  I started looking for the picture and was very surprised to see a  profile with all my data contained in it, including a number of pictures that they had stored for me by Google in an album.  And that picture was featured!  They could have selected the picture of the rhubarb  pie that I was proud of making which was also in the album.  But they randomly selected that picture.   Obviously, that picture and all the others have been deleted off Google Drive.   No more Google Drive for me!

I've learned the hard lesson the hard way by being stupid in not understanding the way the tech companies operate these days.   I wasn't as cautious and careful as I should have been.  Lessons learned and now applied.

Now, as I explained in the last posting, the ballots for the Board of Directors have already been printed and were to be sent out Wednesday.  There was no way that I could have gotten my name off of that ballot even if I wanted to.  But I didn't want to take my name off the ballot.  I have made a promise that I would apply to be a Board Member and I wanted to keep that promise. I do not desire to be President.  But there are some things that I wanted to accomplish as a Board Member.   There are things happening in the management of our Circle that should be questioned and discussed and that was my objective.

Whether I become a Board Member is obviously up to the voters.  If they see fit to vote me in, I will accept.  If not, there will be no hard feeling - I can understand and will behave accordingly.  I am not going to campaign for the position - this is the last word that I will say about being a candidate.

Andy Johnson

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

January 3, 2017

This edition of the Blog was to announce my candidacy for a position of the Board of Directors at The Gardens 101,   However, a problem has arisen which I must address.

Some enterprising person checked my Blog and the link to my personal profile.  Word has gotten out that there is a picture on the profile of a naked male in a compromising position on that profile - that picture has been deleted but not apparently before it was viewed by some owners.

How that got there is unclear - obviously I did not put it there knowing that it would be for public viewing.  Nevertheless, the picture is one that I had in my possession at one time in my photo gallery.  What this suggests of me is true:  I am a gay male.  Not denying it at all.  Out and proud as they say.

I offer my apologies to all that have seen the photo.  It is most embarrassing!   I also owe an apology to  all have supported me in the past - I've let you down.

This does change the dynamic involved in my relationship with the community.  I do not wish to be a distraction or an embarrassment.  I understand that the ballots for the election of Board Directors have been printed and in the process of being sent and my name appears on it.  So I cannot remove myself from the ballot.

However, the issues that I have identified are there whether I am on the Board or not.  Whether I am gay or not.  These issues have nothing to do with sexual orientation.  Some are quite important to the community and the way it is governed.  I have a decision to make and one that I will wrestle with until the evening of the Annual Meeting.  Or maybe the vote will make that decision for me..

Andy Johnson